SAFCA Home FAQs SAFCA Awards Schedule

The annual SAFCA Conference is the networking, training and sector highlight for our members in South Australia and Northern Territory. The two day event brings together stakeholders from industry, government, financial services and the financial counselling sector to share information, experiences and ideas, and to celebrate achievements. 12 and 13 November 2024 Adelaide Oval, William Magarey Room (pictured right)

Roof Climb Competition

Thanks to the generosity of the Adelaide Oval, we have 1 x Adelaide Oval Roof Climb Voucher to give away. To be in the running, simply purchase a conference ticket prior to 25 September, when our early-bird rates finish. - If you already have a paid ticket, you are automatically in the running. - If you have a complementary ticket (i.e. partners, speakers, SAFCA staff), you are not eligible. - The lucky winner will be announced on 26 September 2024. - The voucher is transferable. If you don't want to do the climb, you may re-gift it!

Event Starts In






Conference Partners

If your business or community organisation is interested in engaging with and supporting the financial counselling and capability sector in SA and the NT, download the Conference Prospectus (below) and send in your Partnership Application Form. To submit your application form, enquire about or negotiate a partnership package, please email