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By registering for this event, I understand that personal information collected by the Rabobank Group ('Rabobank') in connection with the Rabobank Farm2Fork (‘F2F’) Summit ('the Event') may be used for the purpose of registering me/us for and administering the Event. If you are providing Rabobank with personal information on behalf of someone else, we expect you to have obtained that person’s consent and informed them of the privacy and Event terms and conditions below.

I consent and understand that Rabobank may disclose my personal information to other organisations and persons (located in Australia and New Zealand) necessary to assist Rabobank with the above purposes. For example: my/our name and dietary/accessibility requirements may be disclosed to the venue hosting the Event.

If at a later date you wish to withdraw your consent regarding the use of your dietary/accessibility requirements, you can email us at

Rabobank may use, copyright, and publish the photographs and/or footage taken of me (whether group or individual photos) during the Event.

If you choose to provide written or verbal testimonials or complete the Event evaluation form, Rabobank may use this information for the purposes of internal and external marketing and promotional material to publicise future Rabobank events. I understand that such marketing and promotional material may include personal information including my name and general location (e.g. “John Smith from Tamworth, Australia”).

For more information on how we handle your personal information, please refer to the relevant privacy policy available on the Rabobank website (www.rabobank.com.au/privacy or www.rabobank.co.nz/privacy).

I understand that my consent to the above is required in order for Rabobank to register me for the Event.


  1. The Event date is Thursday, 23 March 2023 from 08:00am until midnight.

  2. The Event ticket includes return transport from King Street Wharf, Darling Harbour to White Bay Cruise Terminal at your booked ferry time, and all meals, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, local and international speakers, ag exhibitors and entertainment at the Event.

  3. I understand that travel to/from Sydney and accommodation is by my/our own arrangement.

  4. I agree to follow the reasonable directions of Event staff as required and comply with the law at all times during the Event.

  5. Rabobank reserves the right to refuse service and ask any persons engaging in illegal activities to leave the Event. Anyone over the age of 18 wishing to consume alcohol must bring a valid proof of age photo ID.

  6. If an unforeseen circumstance occurs that requires Rabobank to cancel the Event, Rabobank agrees to notify me as soon as practicable. I understand that Rabobank will not be liable for any costs I/we have already incurred, or any costs incurred by anyone I registered on their behalf.